Club 99 FAQ
Club 99 is our family-friendly evening campfire and activity space, located in the Derby Ring on the fairgrounds. Due to fire code restrictions and a very polite request from the fair board that we are working with, no campfires are permitted on campsites unless they are in a self-contained fire pit that is elevated off the ground. We know that campfires are one of the main attractions while camping, so we are offering group campfires nightly in the derby ring. Our goal is to provide a family-friendly, welcoming environment for all to enjoy. This page will provide you more information about the Club 99 campfire area and what to expect.
Question: What time will the campfires be lit?
Answer: Our team will be lighting the campfires at dusk daily, typically between 7pm and 8pm, depending on what else is going on during that time. The fires will be open to everyone until quiet time - 11pm daily.
Question: What should I bring to the group campfires?
Answer: A lawn chair or something to sit on, a hoodie or jacket to keep warm, beverages (no open alcohol please - this is a family friendly environment) and snacks, and a sense of adventure.
Question: Can my kids/dog/Great Aunt Judith attend the campfire?
Answer: Of course! This is a family-friendly environment and we welcome geocachers and non-geocachers of all shapes, sizes, and experience levels to attend all activities during the event. We kindly ask that tiny humans under the age of 12 are accompanied by an adult at all times while on the fairgrounds, and that dogs be on a 2m (6') leash while on the grounds. Please pick up after both your dogs and kids.
Question: Do I need to bring a lawn chair?
Answer: Not really - there are bleachers around the fire rings, and lots of concrete blocks to sit on, but you’ll probably be more comfortable in a chair as opposed to the bleachers or blocks, especially if you plan on hanging out for a couple of hours.
Question: Will there be music, games or activities?
Answer: YES! We will have a DJ rocking some great tunes (again, PG rated) and will have lawn games get up in the area near Club 99 to participate in. Giant jenga, lawn pong, and glow-in-the-dark ladders will all be making an appearance. You’re welcome to bring cornhole or other games (except for lawn darts… we have scars to tell you why you shouldn’t bring those) to play with your friends as well. We won’t have any prizes at Club 99, but there may be a super special Pathtag if you talk to Bigguy…
Question: I really want to help with Club 99. How can I get involved as a volunteer firefighter, fire builder, or Event DJ or games master for the weekend?
Answer: If you have experience (and even if you don't), we would love to welcome you to our Club 99 squad. Our volunteers get some pretty sweet perks for being a part of the event for the weekend, including swag bags, sneak peeks into the planning side of the event, and pathtags. Members of our fire squad even get a cool “Fire Squad” shirt, and access to fire. Lots and lots of fire. If you want to help, please send an email to
Question: Can I bring my own marshmallows/hot dogs/sausages/s’mores/pie irons/(insert other campfire-related snack here) to cook on the group campfires?
Answer: Yup, you sure can! Just don’t be surprised if Auston (the Official Geodog of Fall Fest) decides to be your best friend for 10 minutes while you cook and eat your food. His puppy dog eyes are DEADLY.
Question: Can I bring Alcohol to the group campfires?
Answer: Open alcohol is only permitted on your campsite. Open alcohol is not permitted in any public areas of the event.
We aren’t implementing a dry event policy, so if you choose to consume alcohol, be smart about it (and don’t make us regret our decision). Follow the code of conduct, don’t drink and drive, be respectful of others, don’t be disruptive, and keep it family-friendly. If people abuse this policy, we will have to re-evaluate this for next year.
Question: How did Club 99 get its name?
Answer: Brant County (and specifically Brantford) is well known (in certain circles, anyways) as the Home of Wayne Gretzky. Wayne Gretzky was a hockey player in the NHL. Like, a REALLY good hockey player. He broke a bunch of records and stuff, and always played in jersey #99. When he retired from the NHL, the league retired his jersey number from the entire league, not just his team - he was that good. Club 99 pays homage to our love (as a nation) of hockey, as well as local ties to Wayne Gretzky.
Question: Can I attend the Club 99 fun even if I am not camping on site?
Answer: Of course you can! Club 99 is open to anyone, muggle or geocacher, regardless of whether they are camping on site or not. You can come for as long as you would like. The only thing we ask (well, beg really) is that if you drink, DO NOT DRIVE. This includes golf carts, ATVs, e-bikes, e-scooters, etc. Our rules are simple: If you drink, DO NOT DRIVE. Drunk drivers WILL be reported to local authorities, and we don’t think you want to take a DUI home as a souvenir… good luck explaining that one to your spouse. If you need help arranging a ride home, or you need a place to crash to sober up, please speak to someone wearing a green EVENT MOUNTIE shirt and we will help you get set up.
Question: Anything else I should know?
Answer: We want you to have a good time. We want you to enjoy yourselves. We want you to make memories that are going to last a lifetime. But, we want you to do it safely. Anyone who does not follow our code of conduct will be asked to leave.