Camping Info and FAQ
Fall Fest 2025 is occurring on private property but is open to the public (any geocacher or non-geocacher) to attend.
By attending, you understand that you are a Guest of GeocacheON and Fall Fest 2025 on the Burford Agricultural Society Fairgrounds property. As a guest, you are required to follow our grounds policies and conduct policies. Any Guest found to be in violation of any policy, written or otherwise, may be asked to leave the fairgrounds without a refund of any camping fees or swag package prices paid. A copy of our policies can be found on this page.
For 2025, we are pleased to offer a total of 123 on-site campsites. Our sites range from 25’ by 35’ for tent/car camping to 25’ by 55’ to accommodate large RVs and campers. In many cases, we can easily accommodate rigs up to 45’ in length. If your camper/RV/motorhome is longer than 40’, we kindly request that you book your campsite in sections A, B C or D so we can make sure you have enough room for your rig.
Section A - 10 campsites 25 ft x 55 ft
Section B - 9 Campsites 25ft x 55 ft
Section C - 19 Campsites 25 ft x 55 ft
Section D - 10 Campsites 25 ft x 55 ft
Section E - 15 Campsites 25ft by 50 ft
Section F1 - 18 Campsites 25ft by 55 ft
Section F2 - 18 Campsites 25ft by 55 ft
Section G - 14 Campsites 25 ft by 35 ft
Section H - 10 campsites 25 ft by 35 ft
Camping and Venue Policies
There are washrooms and Porta Potties available throughout the venue - please consult the site map for the (approximate) location of these. Please note that there are NO shower facilities on the grounds. If you have special needs or concerns, please contact us at
On-Venue Camping
Car camping/tent camping sites are approximately 25ft x 35ft, RV sites are approximately 25ft x 55ft. Picnic tables and fire rings are NOT provided. Some sites may have trees, most do not.
Per local fire regulations, campfires are NOT permitted on your campsite unless they are in an elevated, self-contained fire pit similar to the ones in the pictures below:
If you wish to participate in evening campfires, you are welcome to join us each night in the Derby Ring, where we will have group campfires set up (see the Club 99 tab for more details on the group campfires). Self-contained BBQs (wood burning, propane or charcoal) ARE permitted on your site, as long as they do not damage the grass - we are not the only ones who use this space and don't want to damage the grass immediately prior to the Fall Fair the following week.
Trailer tongues MUST not block passing traffic on our roads. If your camper is longer than 45ft, please book a site in A, B, C or D and contact us to let us know you will need some extra space.
Reserved Campsite prices are for the ENTIRE EVENT, no partial rates. We do not charge per night for our reserved campsites. You may stay 1 night or all 4 nights for the same price.
Open Group camping (in the in-field) is charged on a per-night, first come, first served basis, and must be paid to the Camping Marshall or in the event store upon arrival.
Camping is non-refundable. If there is something wrong with your campsite when you arrive (such as your power pole isn’t working), please find the Camping Marshall or any of the event staff and we will find an acceptable place for you to camp.
Campsites with power may be up to 100 ft from the nearest power box. Take a look at the camping map - we have marked the location of power boxes with red dots. The closer you are to the box, the less cord you will need, but you may have cords from others running behind your site. Unfortunately, we can't move the power boxes - please come prepared with extra extension cords in case they are needed.
Potable water is NOT available on site for campers.There are two Bulk Water filling stations in Brant County that can be used to fill your water tanks if you are travelling a great distance. You can find out info about these water depots at
When you arrive, we ask that you check in the the Camping Registration tent (or the camping marshall if a volunteer is not at the check in tent and it is a reasonable time of day. Please DO NOT wake up the Camping Marshall at 2am just to check in... it can wait until morning) to receive your vehicle pass. One vehicle pass will be provided per campsite. Additional cars can be parked in general parking areas (please check the map).
Your site will have a brightly coloured flag with the site number on it. Please set up to the right of the flag. Any paint or markers on the ground are not from our event and does not determine your campsite boundaries.
There is a dumping station on site that will be available on Sunday morning from approximately 9am until noon. The cost to use the dumping station is $25 paid directly to the Burford Agricultural Society (we don't set the price or collect the money for this).
Camping is permitted from 5pm Wednesday (for VIP guests) and/or Thursday at 9am (for the general public) until 12:00pm on Sunday. You MUST vacate the grounds by 1pm on Sunday so the organizing team can get home at a reasonable time Sunday evening.
Maximum units within a campsite: One RV and One Sleeping Tent, OR Three Tents. All sleeping quarters must be a minimum of 5 ft apart in all directions.
Campsite Decorations
You are welcome to decorate your campsite with any decor, as long as it is family friendly. Please remember to clean up your site before leaving at the end of the event, and please don't leave decorations for others to tear down after you leave.
Inukshuk Building Contest
Build an Inukshuk on your campsite - big or small, we want you to help us point the way to Fall Fest 2025!
You can be as creative or basic as you would like - create your best Inukshuk (visible from the road between campsites) for a chance to win some awesome prizes.
Campsite judging is done mid afternoon on Saturday. If you would prefer for your Inukshuk to be judged in the dark, or if you need to be present for judging because there are interactive elements, please let one of the event staff know by Friday at 8pm so we can plan accordingly.
Winners will be announced during the Closing Ceremonies.
Use of Power / Facilities
You accept all responsibility for use of power and other facilities provided.
Three different types of power hookups are available - please make sure you are choosing the correct hookup for your camper when choosing a powered site. Power hookups are EXTREMELY limited and are expected to sell out very quickly.
Golf Carts and Motorized Vehicles
E-Bikes and Golf carts are permitted on grounds but must be treated as a motorized vehicle and stay on roadways or in designated areas. Golf carts are NOT permitted in the courtyard or in front of Bi-Centennnial and Lion's Buildings. Golf carts and e-bikes are absolutely not permitted on the ATV track at any time - if you try it, you WILL be asked to leave.
No ATVs (or snowmobiles) are permitted on site. All motorized vehicles must adhere to 10km/hr limit at all times.
All motorized vehicles MUST have a light when travelling through the fairgrounds after dark. Headlight, headlamp, flashlight, or another forward facing light source is required after dark for everyone's safety.
The Fine print:
Illegal drugs, fireworks, firearms, slingshots, bows and arrows, flame throwers, and other similar devices are not permitted on the event grounds.
Alcohol will be permitted only on your personal campsite in a manner that does not impact the enjoyment of your neighbors' sites. We request that campers and attendees respect this request to ensure the event remains family-friendly. Please be responsible and do not drive after drinking. If you need to stay the night, please speak with one of our event staff about finding accommodations.
Guests under the age of 19 are not permitted to consume alcohol while on the grounds. Underage drinking will not be tolerated.
Campsite information
The campsite information and map has been created by volunteers. We have made our best effort to provide accurate data. If your reserved site does not match the data provided - we will do everything we can to accommodate you at the time of your arrival. The campsite flags are also placed by volunteers so may vary slightly.
Event Staff / Volunteers
You can easily find an event staff member or member of our organizing team by looking for our Green shirts with EVENT MOUNTIE written on the back. We will do everything we can to accommodate a majority of reasonable requests, but please keep in mind we are all volunteers and are doing this for our enjoyment and yours. Please give our volunteers and staff the utmost respect and cooperation.
Check-in / Check-out
Arrival begins Wednesday afternoon at 5pm for our VIPs, and Thursday at 9am for everyone else. VIPs may bring other members of their party, such as spouses and children, who are camping on the same campsite, on Wednesday as well.
Early arrivals will not be permitted to enter the grounds prior to check-in time! Checkout time is no later than 1pm on Sunday. All persons camping, please use the posted camping entrance to enter the campgrounds (this is the first driveway you will come to when arriving on-site - look for the big CAMPING banner on the gate). Check in with the camping registration tent (or the Camping Marshall) to receive your car pass for the weekend. They are also happy to help if you require assistance.
If it is after hours (before 10am, after 7pm) or no event volunteers are on duty, find your site using the site ID/map and set up, and then find the Camping Marshall on Site A1 (assuming it is a reasonable time of day - he deserves time to eat, sleep and shower as well). Please remember - Your site is to the right of the flag. If you are unsure, please find an event staff member (look for the green shirts) prior to setting up. Anyone who sets up in the incorrect site will be asked to relocate to their proper site. Vehicles without a camping parking pass in the camping area will be asked to move to the general parking area.
Reserved camping must be paid at the time of booking. You may buy camping at the door, in the event store. Cash, debit or major credit cards are accepted. There is a limit of 6 persons camping in a site and all site infrastructure (tents, trailers, etc) must fit within the boundaries of the site. If your setup exceeds the space available, you may be asked to reserve an additional site(s) to accommodate a larger setup. Sharing sites between parties is permitted within the 6 person per site limit.
No Refunds
Refunds shall not be issued nor credits offered for partial use or non-use of camping spaces reserved and paid for. You are welcome to offer the site to another camper and/or sell it at your discretion if you are unable to attend. If there is something wrong with your site when you arrive, we will do everything in our power to find another spot for you.
Well behaved, social pets are most welcome in all event spaces. Please keep them on a leash while on the fairgrounds, and please be sure to clean up after them. If your dog bites another dog or human, our policy is to contact the local Humane Society and have them quarantine your dog as per provincial guidelines, no exceptions.
Quiet Hours
Throughout the grounds, quiet hours are 11pm-7am daily. Please be courteous of others if you are moving through the camping areas after hours.
Please call 911 immediately and notify event staff in the event of an emergency.
Misc. Items
Attendees are responsible for any damage they, or their guests, inflict upon the property of the event venue.
Please make sure your area is clean and clear of trash. Use provided receptacles to deposit full trash bags.
We (that's the event staff and volunteers) are responsible for cleaning restrooms and emptying full trash barrels during the event. Please keep the facilities clean and if you can help empty a trash barrel, please do so. Dumpsters are available near Lion's Building for disposal of trash bags, and garbage pails will be available throughout the grounds for your use. If a restroom is in need of supplies, find someone in a green EVENT MOUNTIE shirt and we'll re-stock toilet paper, paper towels, etc.
Please remember to CITO as you walk around the grounds.
Conduct Policy
You agree to conduct yourself in a respectful and family-friendly manner at all times during the event. Verbal, physical, sexual or emotional abuse will NOT be tolerated, and reports of such will be escalated to the local authorities. You agree to adhere to these policies at all times while at the venue. The event organizers may request that you leave if it is determined that your conduct is detrimental to others' enjoyment of the event. If you are asked to leave, you agree that you will leave immediately and cooperatively. Failure to vacate the premises willfully upon request will result in the involvement of local authorities.