About Us

We are a Registered Ontario Limited Partnership, 1000989143 Inc. Operating as GeocacheON and GeocacheON - Fall Fest in the province of Ontario. GeocacheON and GeocacheON - Fall Fest are registered trademarks of 1000989143 Inc. 

In August of 2024, OnABoat, bigguy14760 and Pasha88 were sitting at a table in Chuck’s Roadhouse in Napanee Ontario, during the 2024 Discover Lennox & Addington Mega event, when the idea for Fall Fest 2025 was born. After a few more conversations, lots of encouragement from our friends at Midwest Geobash, and a whole lot of hopes and dreams later, Fall Fest 2025! was published on September 27th, 2024 as the start of our inaugural journey. We received our MEGA icon for the first time on January 23, 2025. 

Fall Fest is a labour of love for us. Despite being a registered business, every dollar we earn goes right back into the event, so we can provide more prizes, trackables, pathtags and freebies.  We have spent thousands of hours planning to ensure that Fall Fest is a fun event for everyone.  We can’t wait to see you all in September and look forward to swapping stories around the campfire, or trading pathtags with you soon. 

Meet the Organizing Committee

Amanda (Pasha88) - Our fearless leader extraordinaire, Fall Fest 2025 is at least 70% the brainchild and labour of love of Amanda. An avid geocacher with more than 36,000 finds since 2007, Amanda has thoroughly enjoyed attending 24+ Mega events around North America, from Arizona to Georgia and British Columbia to New Brunswick, and is looking forward to bringing many of her favourite aspects from all of the different megas she has attended to Fall Fest. Amanda is the Chief Everything (Else) Officer and is responsible for volunteer coordination, prizes, contracting, sponsorships, vendors, swag packages, the online store, scheduling, Pathtag and Geocoin design, Adventure Labs, Adventure Lab geoarts, and pretty much anything else that comes up. In addition to being the CEO, Amanda also helps out with several other major events and is a deputy for Midwest Geobash. Amanda is most easily recognized by the little white dog, Auston, that is usually following her around everywhere she goes. 

Matt (Bigguy14760) - The big guy in charge, Matt got roped into being Amanda’s left hand during the event because he was at the table that fateful day in Napanee, and the rest is history. Matt found more than 6100 caches in 2024 alone, and attends an average of 10 mega events every year. From California and Arizona to Florida and Georgia, and up into Canada for Discover Lennox & Addington, if there is a mega event, Matt will probably be there. Matt has attended 33+ megas since 2021 and is an Ambassador for Geowoodstock XXI, an Allegany State Park Geobash Ranger, a Midwest Geobash Deputy, and our Chief Shenanigans Officer for Fall Fest 2025. Matt is responsible for the on-site Camping organization, Club 99, Group Campfires, Pathtag design and activities, and is REALLY good at hanging up banners where Amanda and Karen can’t reach. 

Karen (KayTeeAre) - Our resident honey badger and warrior, Karen is here for a good time, even if she might not be here for a long time. Known for fitting into tiny places, doing incredibly dangerous things without thinking (while singing the entire time) and placing puzzles that Pasha88 can’t solve, Karen has been to mega and giga events across North America including Ohio Geoclash, ASP Geobash, Geowoodstock and Discover Lennox & Addington. Karen is the Chief Geocaching Officer and is responsible for all things geocaching related, including the GeoChallenge, cache placements, cache puzzles, and game card scoring. 

The Best Mounties You Could Ask For

MWGB has Deputies. ASPGB has Rangers. Going Caching had Worker Bees. And Fall Fest has a team of truly awesome and talented Mounties that help the Executive Team with everything from camping set up to swag sales and reminders to eat and drink (water, that is) during the event. The following people contribute a huge amount to making the event a success, and we definitely couldn’t do it without them:

Charles (CanThai) - Our Official Camping Mountie and Campground Marshall. If you have a camping question, Charles is your guy!
P.J. (softball29) - Our social media guru extraordinaire! P.J. is responsible for a a lot of the Facebook posts and event announcements, keeping you informed of everything that’s going on.
Ian (OnABoat) - Some could say this entire thing was Ian’s idea, and Amanda just took it and ran… but he will probably deny that. Ian is our master consultant on all things Geocaching HQ, as well as website helper and technology problem solver.
Shannon (M0m0f5) - The supplier of snacks, “The Voice of Reason”, and another of our consultants from the “Fab 5”, Shannon puts the Epi in Epic road trips, and often provides much-needed guidance during our first year. 
Shanan (steelersrull) - Our official campfire Mountie and Fire Marshall. Shanan has lots of experience playing with fire at ASPGB and MWGB, so it was only natural that he would also head up our fire crew!
Stacy (CodyHollowFarm) - An avid pathtagger and member of the Maryland Geocaching Society, Stacy is our Prize Queen, and is the one responsible for making sure all of the prizes are handed out at the end of the day so we have nothing left in the prize vault on Sunday afternoon.
Susan (fivegk) - As we were sitting around at a Starbucks event on a VERY gold January day, Susan suggested she would like to be the "hostess with the mostess" at our CITO event this year. We're not ones to turn down free help, so Susan was welcomed to the team with open arms! Come find her Friday afternoon, where you can trade the garbage you collect during the CITO for Pathtags!

If you are interested in helping with a specific aspect of Fall Fest, or would like to become an Event Mountie:

Fall Fest cannot happen without the help of volunteers. Many, MANY volunteers.  From restocking toilet paper and paper towel in the washrooms to handing out prizes at the prize table, to working the event store and many of the on-site games, to hiding hundreds and hundreds of geocaches in the local area, this event takes THOUSANDS of hours of work to host. If you are interested in championing a specific area of the event (eg. running an activity or game such as Pathtag Dice Game or the silent auction) we would LOVE to hear from you. Our Event Mounties get some pretty cool swag as a thank you from the organizing team, and get loads of sneak peaks into aspects of the event. If you’re interested in becoming a Mountie, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and tell us how you want to help!